With stay at home orders expiring and governors choosing to partially open their states, medical practices and the surgical industry will be back up and running very soon.  Georgia has already opened their state as of April 24. Some states, including Texas and Indiana, have quarantine orders that expire on April 30. For other States, like hard-hit New York, the current date for reopening appears to be May 15th.

A comprehensive list of state reopening dates can be found at (https://thehill.com/homenews/state-watch/493717-heres-when-all-50-states-plan-to-reopen-after-coronavirus-restrictions). So, clearly then, the good news is that it appears that for most states, we are just days away from reopening; rather than weeks or even months.  But, for some centers, getting back to the business of caring for people will bring a new set of challenges.

Here are three scenarios many centers are likely to face and some ideas to help overcome them:

  1. Rehiring/Recalling Staff: Some centers may have difficulties in bringing back the entire staff due to lost revenue or other new challenges.

Recommendation: Bring back as much staff as possible to get cases in the door and outsource business office functions until cashflow resumes.

  1. Reestablishing Patient Communications: If your center has been closed or had limited hours, make sure your patients know you are open for business again.

Recommendation: While preparing for cases, use on-hand staff to schedule and make use of remote call center representatives to restart your revenue stream by calling on patient balances.

  1. Staying Compliant: Remote workers have been a primary target for hackers. Be conscious of the very real threat and don’t leave gaps in your compliance measures when going through the process of reopening your practice-this could cost you and your patients.

Recommendation: Be certain that vendors calling your patients have secure access to your patient accounting system and security measures to both assist your patients and protect your business.

Has the time come for you to open practice doors again? Mnet can help you open sooner with less staff so you can start up vital revenue streams again. Mnet is patient-friendly and charges no upfront fees; so, call Mnet today to discuss strategies to help patients pay.